Wednesday, December 16, 2009


Mel & Mitzi dream of being on the
Ed Sullivan Show one day.

Gouache & Acrylic on Masonite - 9 x 12


  1. Fantastic. Gouache colors are the best (in my opinion). Here with your always sweet touch.

  2. Delightful! Love the little singing Mitzi!

  3. with their eyes closed they are so immersed in music! AMAZING
    and adorable as always friend!
    happy tht my comment made it in first ten this time lol:)

  4. Funny I had the same dream he he he! This is stellar!! I love the color and the dog is sooooo cute! You are so off the chain fabulous! Love it!!!

  5. Cool crew, I wish them well on their aspirations! Nice work buddy.

  6. Just so long as they aren't your neighbors in the apartment downstairs! A lovely use of colour...especially the bold orange of the dog's sweater against the green couch! The setting really feels New York... perhaps Holly Golightly lives downstairs (and a wheelchair bound Jimmy Stewart is across the street!). Lovely work sir as per usual! Happy Holidays to you and yours!

  7. What a fun little piece..look at that doggy! :D haha..awesome work!

  8. I miss your illustrations :) amazing polka, very nice expression in your characters.

    Hugs and kind regards from Spain, thanks, Eric for share music and make me smile today

  9. Superb! I really like your change of materials, it shows you master them all! I'm impressed, as always.

    Merry Christmas!

  10. wow this is wonderful! love it!

  11. Oh my GOSH, Eric! Baby, work that squeezebox, I'm a-dancin'! Actually, it's more like a jig, cuz I don't know how to polka, but you get the gist. Holy cow, this is AWESOME! Outstanding retro details, down to the style of the sofa and the ashtray. Sullivan shmullivan. Mel and Mitzi made it to Barclay's blog, that that, in my opinion, is WAYYYYYYY more prestigious.

  12. Fantastic. You captured that moment perfectly. Happy Holidays and thanks for the positive comments over the past year.

  13. If this isn't the cutest thing. I love the dog joining in.

    You are such a great artist!

  14. Ah! I always enjoy your harkens back to a simpler, definitely more stylish time. They are surely on to big things, this duo! I so admire your craftsmanship and palette.

  15. Looks like a class act! I'm sure they'll realize their dream!

  16. totally adorable, I just know they are going to make it, I can hear the sweet howling and accordion playing from here!

  17. He hee! Love it... as I always do! your work is amazing!! Thanks for leaving the kind comments on my blog too, so nice of you to stop by. Hope you have a wonderful christmas and wishing you all the best for the new year ahead... can't wait to see more of your work! :)

  18. I love dog illustrations! I can hear him howl like Bagel. :) Merry Christmas to you!

  19. My dog used to sing when asked to do it. It was funny. There was no much repertoire but instead a lot of feeling.
    Your post reminded me of it.

  20. haha i loved that show! oddly I just was watching an old doors video and who should announce the band but "Ed Sullivan" yer freaking me out buddy :P This is special Eric and so are you, I hope you and your fam are having a rocking good time!!!

  21. Beatifull!! As always!
    And the flyng cat and the PARADE ilsutrations are incredible!!

  22. Oh my...I love this! Great illustration.

  23. I really enjoyed this piece. The colours, the characters....
    Brother Eric.
    Merry Chritmas and Happy New Year.
    I wrote to you yesterday, if you are not too busy. Please kindly respond to the emial.
    I have prepared you Christmas card and gifts:)

  24. hi Eric, I just would like to wish you and your family a merry christmas and a happy new year! I hope we'll meet next year often on the net :) happy holidays!!

  25. Merry Christmas Eric and I wish you and your family a happy new year! :)
    Best Regards

  26. oh, they are so damn cute, and i love the story. Keep practicing mel and mitzi!

  27. Sheer excellence, as always, Eric! Happy Holidays to you and yours. Looking forward to a new year of amazing stuff from you!

  28. Hi Eric!
    Hehe, this is soo cute! Loveee the dog! :)
    Great work as always!

    Happy holidays my friend!


  29. Love it!

    Happy Holidays to you and your family :)


  30. haha...this illo reminds me of my grandparents place...little wiener dog on the davenport. Not the 'couch'...but davenport. Wonder why the called it that....

    Another great piece of art, brotha!

  31. Hi Eric! my best wishes and a happy new year. Hugs and kind regards from Spain.

  32. Eric, I could not tell it was not digital. Your work is so consistent! Kudos! I wonder what takes you longer, traditional or digital?

    Sending you the best wishes for you and your family for 2010! Happy New Year!

  33. Eric, I could not tell it was not digital. Your work is so consistent! Kudos! I wonder what takes you longer, traditional or digital?

    Sending you the best wishes for you and your family for 2010! Happy New Year!

  34. Hope all your dreams come true in 2010. Happy New Year. I have my noisemakers all ready. :)

  35. Happy New Year Mr. Barclay, looking forward to what visual treats you have in store for 2010.

  36. I love this--I love the retro feel too! And happy new year to you as well!


  37. Hah! So cute.
    Happy New Year to you and yours! Hope it brings continued happiness, joy and inspiration. =)

  38. Wishing you a lovely 2010, Eric! It's been a treat for me to have been able to enjoy your work this year!!

  39. Happy New Year brother Eric!
    Hope the gift arrive soon:)

  40. My god eric....colours are so fresh and year greetings to you and your family :)

  41. This is soooo cute! I just love the whole thing. So happy!

  42. I too thought this was digital! Your work is always awesome and cheers me up. Congrats on the book (read the post below). And thank you so much for continuing to visit my blog though I sure haven't updated anything there recently. :) Happy New Year to you, friend!

  43. I mean, who doesn't dream of being on Ed Sullivan??? :) I dream of being able to play a polka one day...LOL

  44. wow. love your style. very inspiring work!

  45. hehe beautifull al your illustrations! :)

  46. Oh, I love this apartment, so swish!
