Friday, June 4, 2010

Happy Trails

Before his untimely death in a meat packing plant "accident" back in 1954, Hog Williams Junior mesmerized audiences with his banjo playing skills. He ended each concert with his favorite tune, 'Happy Trails.'

Thanks to Guy Francis & Doug Jones for the prompt.


Unknown said...

So cute!! Love the character design!

Debbie Meyer said...

You're so dang good, Eric. Love this country porker. He's a handsome feller.

Anonymous said...

Knocking out an IF prompt AND following along with Guy's ongoing illo duel at the same time? Nice...

Doug said...


anil ks said...

..great character the colors and style..

Unknown said...

Very nicely done, I think his outfit is awesome!

Peter Breese said...

Ha ha this dude is awesome. Nice take on IF.

froggie is... said...

bwahahahahaha! his hat is the topper! nice embroidery detail, eric!

this is an awesome lil piggie crooner! i think hank williams would cry from pride. :)))

right onto his plate of jimmy dean pork sausage. (eeek!)

sketched out said...

Hog Williams is awesome! I can almost hear him crooning Happy Trails. He is really rockin' that outfit too. Love it to pieces!!!

Kactiguy said...

Excellent! Thanks for joining in.

k.h.whitaker said...

ahhh, it's banjo pig duel and Illustration Friday combined. He's awesome, love the combo illo, I do this as often as possible

roberta baird said...

Well he is so darn cute!!!!

Jane Wilson said...

Ha, Ha, Ha. I love this. I'm into pigs right now, so I especially appreciate this one!

abhishek singh said...

can feel him singing:)
great design as always:)

Food and Drugs said...

Very "country", indeed.

Bella Sinclair said...

And the audience goes hog wild! :D

Hahaha, you've thrown your 10-gallon hat into the dueling banjos ring! Love this guy! Kinda makes me feel bad for the pork chop I ate. Kinda.

Happy trails to you, buddy!

Tali said...

oh no! not a meat-packing "accident"! haha

gma said...

he, he. It is so fun! I love it

Vanessa Brantley Newton said...

Is he kin to Shake and Bake Charlie???? I think I might know the rest of his family. Tasty Bacon, Canadian Joe, Hamlet, and the baby, Piggy in a blanket! They all sang Happy Trails in the Hog Pin choir! My uncle Bubba was the choir director!
This is the bestest ever E. I love this character. He is something special. Aw you make me want to squeal SUUUUUUUUUUUUWWWWWWWWWEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!
Great illustration! You've done it again.

Anna Raff said...

Heh Heh!

Korey Scott said...

Great! I need to buy some of his Bacon....I mean CDs to listen to...heheheh

theartofpuro said...

Love it!The character is so cute!

woody said...

awesome as usual Eric, and so good to see your art more frequently! What an unfortunate "accident".

AtelierBrigitte said...

Your characters are always so great!

nidhi said...

i love his cute blue suit!

RuAn said...

This pig is cute. SAlutations :)

Tamara Henderson said...

lol very cute love the hat and outfit!asa

2 Geechee Girls said...

Home Run son! I love like it. I like it alot

❤Yisin said...

Adorable piggy!!! :D feel like going into your drawing and singing together with him ^^

Leen Christens said...

Hey, great work!!

Carla said...

Marvellous. Great in its simplicity and I like the character. You are clever!

Anonymous said...

Lovely! ♥

Seven said...

Nice, the suit adds a lot of character! Really like your style!

Tracy said...

OMIGOSH! I am LOVING this guy! :) Wonderful piece, Eric!

Nina Seven N7 said...

This is great, eric. I'm loving all these pigs playing banjos! I'm gonna hve to do me one..

Cheryl Lynn said...

Once again, your amazing style has me mesmerized! He is so cute, it's crazy! And talented too. Too bad about the accident though...

You definitely ROCK, dude!

Xovika said...

Ooh! Really cute!

Jmontiel said...

great style!!!! I love your work!

Jason James Curtis said...

I love Hog Williams...I have all of his albums. I enjoy listening to his music in the summertime while I'm barbecuing hot dogs.

donny* said...

HA! i LOVE it. that suit is tops.

Melinda Stanley said...

I love this guy, Eric! He looks just so happy to be singing his tunes. I always love your use of color and the little details in his clothing are perfect! :)

LenAine said...

Awwww! Lovely drawings and interesting style =3 Nice to have found an illustrator like you ^_^* said...

what a dapper pig! he's great!

Shirley said...

Wonderful! Such great details and so much fun. As always, a treat to stop by, Eric!

Dear Fireflies said...

Howdy, Eric! :)

Alrighty, I'm not too slow today. Fast enough to see the cool piggy dude doing his thing with the banjo. Ha! Honestly, the things you come up with... (I'm shaking my head here..)

Bella Sinclair said...

Just saw the adorable whale you painted for Ripple. DANG, it's sold already! :(

Lisa M Griffin said...

Ha, he is great... too bad he is no longer with us to spread his country cheer.

Sayantan Halder said...

aaha...... nice one

Johanna Urban said...


very lovley blog :)

Johanna, Sweden

Tomás Serrano said...

Very funny character, as always in your wonderful style.

Annika said...

Hehe, lovely! I'd love to hear that song, does he have a myspace profile? :-)

Francisco Martins said...

Hahaha! hilarious!! you can't not love Mr. Hog Williams :)

Malgorzata Arska said...

awesome ! s